Our CEO, Vladimir Alex Kochenov worked with Ethereum Foundation, Huobi Global, Tornado Cash and many other tier-1 companies. 80+ publications in media, guest expert on crypto.ru, forklog, bits.media and Yahoo.Finance. General partner of the top 5 cryptocurrency exchange in Asia Coinstore.Professionally creating PR and SMM strategies, extensive experience with performance marketing tools. As part of my advertising agency, we provide services to fintech and blockchain projects to get featured in top Western and CIS media. Interviews, articles, press releases and mentions are possible for your project with VAK. We work with 700+ tier-1 and tier-2 media such as Forbes.com, Yahoo.Finance, Financial Times, BeINCrypto, Cointelegraph, Coindesk, TheBlock, BTCNews, Benzinga, RBC, Forklog and many others.



VAK Marketing is a leading advertising agency for blockchain projects. We have been working in the fintech industry since 2018